“On the night you were born, the moon smiled with such wonder that the stars peeked in to see you and the night wind whispered, “Life will never be the same.” Because there had never been anyone like you…ever in the world.” Dear Lane, I loved reading “On the Night You Were Born” to you […]
Because I had three boys, I was absolutely convinced I would not have a baby girl. But, by the grace of God, we were blessed with Adley Rose this past October. I’m so thrilled to create memories with my baby girl and to hopefully start some traditions that will carry on to her […]
When I was little, I never thought about my grandparent’s getting older, I just assumed they would be around forever. I remember looking at my grandma’s senior picture and thinking she looked like a movie star. I would imagine her in an old black and white t.v. show dancing with Fred Astaire. I was her […]
I believe the things we go through, whether good or bad, are to help others know God more. Unfortunately, when it’s “the bad” you have to go through, it sucks…big time. I’ve been wanting to share a bit of my story with you for awhile, but didn’t quite know how. As I thought about it, […]
It was October 23rd, I was going in for what I hoped would be my last o.b. appointment. I had a feeling my body wasn’t showing any signs of going into labor, so I wasn’t too surprised when the nurse practitioner said I was only 1cm dilated. I figured I would come back in a […]
The other day I arrived to a shoot a bit early, so I decided to rest my eyes awhile. I leaned against the steering wheel of my husband’s truck and closed my eyes and sighed. I was tired, I could barely stay awake on the drive into Fort Wayne. I was overwhelmed, I have an […]
I’ve had this post in my head for several months now, but I could never quite get my thoughts together (so forgive me if I go all over the place..). Something has been consuming my mind for quite some time….it’s the thought of never being “good enough”. As a mom, as a wife, as a […]